- Applications for the Registration of Dairy Shorthorn Cattle shall only be accepted from financial members of the Association, and on the understanding that the entrant agrees to inspection, if deemed necessary by the Council, to pay the cost of such inspection, and to accept the decision of the Council after receiving its Inspector’s report.
- Each application for registration must be made on an official form supplied by the Association and lodged, together with the prescribed fees, with the Secretary. When the entries are in order the Secretary will record the registrations and allot the Herd Book numbers.
- If the Secretary should question the eligibility of any animal submitted for registration, the matter shall be referred to the Council. The onus shall rest with the entrant in all cases of satisfying the Council of the eligibility of animals submitted for registration, and as to the correctness of pedigrees and any additional information required, and the Council shall have discretionary power to accept or reject any application or registration without giving any reason for so doing.
- Every member shall be required to register a separate stud prefix for use exclusively in connection with the names of animals bred by him. (Fee $20.00)
- Every member shall be required to register a separate tattoo brand, and each animal bred by him must be marked therewith, together with the appropriate Year Letter followed by a separate identification number, within 60 days of birth and before being entered in the Herd Book. Identification numbers are to be applied in order of date of birth commencing at one (1) on the 1st January in each year. Tattoo brands shall be composed of letters only, no figures, symbols or conjoined letters will be accepted. The Year Letter will be determined by the Council.
- The Herd Book shall be known as the “Dairy Shorthorn Herd Book of Australia”, and when referred to in pedigrees shall be denoted by the letters “DSHBA”.
- All stock submitted for registration in the DSHBA must conform to the following conditions and subject to these rules shall be eligible for registration in classes described hereunder:
COWS which on inspection by an Inspector appointed by the Association are passed for Dairy Shorthorn type. Male progeny of such females shall not be eligible for registration, but female progeny of such females, by a registered Dairy Shorthorn bull, shall be eligible for registration in Class D.
A member shall supply particulars of the ancestry of cows submitted for entry in the Foundation Class. Such animals shall be required to be at least 24 months of age at time of inspection.
COWS whose sires are bulls registered with the DSHBA, or imported bulls eligible for registration in the DSHBA.
COWS whose dams are registered in the Foundation Section and whose sires may be in Class A, B, C or D.
COWS whose dams are registered in the Blended Register with at least 50% Dairy Shorthorn blood and whose sires are registered in Class A of the DSHBA or imported bulls eligible for Class A of the DSHBA
BULLS whose dams are in Class D and whose sires may be Class A,B,C or D.
BULLS whose dams may be in Class a, B, C or D and whose sires are in Class D.
COWS whose sires are Class A bulls, or imported bulls eligible for Class A of the DSHBA, and whose dams are Class D cows.
COWS whose dams are Class C and whose sires are Class B or C.
BULLS whose dams are Class C and whose sires may be Class A,B, or C or imported bulls eligible for Class A of DSHBA.
COWS whose sires are Class A bulls, or imported bulls eligible for Class A of DSHBA and whose dams are Class C cows.
COWS whose dams are Class B and whose sires are Class B.
BULLS whose dams are Class B and whose sires may be Class A or B or imported bulls eligible for Class A of DSHBA.
COWS whose sires are Class A, or imported bulls eligible for Class A of DSHBA and whose dams are Class A or B.
BULLS whose dams are Class A and whose sires are Class A, or imported bulls eligible for Class A of DSHBA.
For the purpose of this Association, the recognised DSHBA Class A standard is four Class A generations for bulls and three Class A generations for cows.
Imported bulls registered in the principle register of their appropriate Herd Book as purebred (Full Pedigree) are accepted in the D.S.H.B.A. as Class A (excluding Illawarra).
This recognises cattle registered in the principle register of Milking Shorthorn Society of New Zealand, Milking Shorthorn Society of America, and Milking Shorthorn Society of Canada and the Shorthorn Society of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
8. Poll Dairy Shorthorn Register
- Only Progeny from Registered Dairy Shorthorn Males and Females (excluding Foundation females) shall be eligible for registration.
- (i) When an animal is a poll the letter (P) shall be added to the name and shall always be used as part of the name.
(ii) Where an animal from Polled parents or Polled or Horned parents is showing horns the letters (PH) shall be added to the name and always be used as part of the name.
(c) When an application is made to register polled Male or Female progeny from horned parents, such application shall be accompanied by the results of a DNA profile test proving that the dam and sire are the parents of the calf being registered. Cost of the DNA profile testing to be borne by the application.
All animals rejected by inspectors will be culled.
(d) All polled Dairy Shorthorns shall be graded in accordance with the regulations in Rule 6.
- Blended Register
(a) Cattle having a minimum of 25% Dairy Shorthorn blood will be eligible for this register. These cattle will carry their breeders normal prefix and identifying number, but will carry the notation “X” after both their name AND their Herd Book number. (This “X” will remain part of their pedigree until their descendants reach Class A).
(b) The female progeny resulting from a mating of cows in the Blended Register with a minimum of 50% Dairy Shorthorn blood, and a bull registered in Class A, shall be registered in Class D of the DSHBA..
(c) The following breeds shall be accepted for use in the Blended Register – for the Dairy Scheme:
Blended Red and White Shorthorns from the U.K. (B.R.W.S.); Red and White Holstein-Friesian (R.W.F.); Swedish Red Breed (S.R.B.); Milking Shorthorns from New Zealand (M.S.N.Z.), U.S.A. (M.S.U.S.) and Canada (M.S.C.), (some of these latter cattle may be eligible for higher classes if their pedigrees are suitable); Illawarra (ILL.); Danish Red (D.R.) or any other red and white breed which Council may determine from time to time.
- d) The following breeds shall be accepted for use in the Blended Register – for the Beef Scheme:
- Maine-Anjou (M.A.); Meuse Rhine Issel (M.R.I.); Beef Shorthorn (B.S.); Shorthorn (S) or any other red and white breed that Council may determine from time to time.
(e) Animals of the above breeds must have three (3) generations of recorded pedigree available to the Association or they will not be eligible for use.
- Each animal must be named by its breeder, and such name must not exceed three words, other than the breeders stud prefix, which must be used. No name that has already appeared in the Herd Book may be duplicated, and, if this rule is not observed, the Council has the right of re-naming the animal if the applicant refuses to do so.
- In the case of numerals, such as 2nd, 3rd or 4th, being used the numerical order thereof shall be in sequence of date of birth. Such numerals may only be used for animals intimately related to the animal having a prior numeral as part of its name. Family names may not be used for other than direct descendants of animals bearing such name. The possessive (‘s) may not be used in any name more than once. Names deemed objectionable to the Council on any ground, or names pronounced alike but spelled differently, may not be used.
- The name and address of the breeder of each animal must be given. The breeder of an animal is the owner of its dam at date of calving.
- The colour, date of birth, and name of present owner must be given, together with particulars of brands or tattoo marks.
- Animals got by artificial insemination must conform with the following conditions:-
- A member shall state on the Application for Registration Form that the calf in question was a result of artificial insemination and give all the requisite particulars as at present or hereafter required.
- All bulls used to supply semen, for artificial insemination must be registered in this Association’s Herd Book or must have the equivalent pedigree qualifications if not within the control of this Association. The Association reserves the right to refuse to register calves in its Herd Book until it has approved the bull supplying the semen, and may also withhold its approval of any Artificial Insemination Centre, “Licensed Owner”, Veterinary Surgeon, private practitioner or other person. The decision of the Council as to the granting or withholding of the Association’s approval shall be final and binding for the purpose of these rules.
- The Association may, before registering any animal resultant from the artificial insemination of its dam, require a blood sample to be taken of the animal, its sire and its dam for the purpose of establishing the parentage of the animal.
- The Association shall maintain a record of abnormalities in the progeny of registered Dairy Shorthorn and Blended Register animals and shall monitor the incidence of deformities in the progeny of sires used through artificial insemination.
- Upon substantial evidence that an animal is a carrier of a significant genetic abnormality, the Council may direct that the Association shall label such animal in the Herd Book as a recessive carrier of such genetic abnormality.
- To signify that an animal was got by artificial insemination, the animal shall carry the suffix (A.I.) as part of its name, wherever it may appear.
- The fee for the entry of stock in the Herd Book shall be set at a rate by Council.
- All live bull calves must be entered for the Herd Book within twelve months of birth by the breeder and all live heifer calves must be entered for the Herd Book within six months of birth by the breeder, from whom alone such entries will be accepted. No female over the age of six months and no bull over the age of twelve months shall be accepted unless the Council is of the opinion that exceptional circumstances warrant the acceptance of such animal. Should the Council decide to accept such an animal it may do so upon such terms as to payment or otherwise as it deems fit. The fee for entry of stock in the Herd Book shall be set at a rate by Council.
- The sire and dam of each animal submitted for entry in Classes A to D of the Herd Book must be already registered in the Association’s Herd Book; provided however that all bulls or semen imported comply with Coate’s Herd Book Standard.
- In the event of a calf being sired by a bull not the property of the breeder of the calf, a certificate of service, signed by the owner of the bull, must accompany the entry.
- No animal will be accepted for entry in the Herd Book, if in the opinion of the Council, it is the result of a service by a bull which was under ten calendar months of age at the time of that service.
- It shall be compulsory for the vendor to officially transfer all registered stock sold. Such transfers must be made on official forms supplied by the Association and be lodged with the Secretary within 60 days from date of sale. Upon the sale of any such registered animal either by public auction or private treaty, the Vendor shall forward to the Secretary the transfer certificates of all registered Dairy Shorthorns sold, with the exception of those sold for slaughter, together with the fee to be set by Council.
Until those amounts are paid, no transfer of any animal sold shall be recorded by the Secretary. Omission from the official transfer list will disqualify the progeny of any animal from registration in the name of the transferee. If any breeder should sell an animal not already entered in the Herd Book, it must be entered by him and the above amounts paid before the transfer of ownership can be recorded.
- It shall be compulsory for the vendor to officially transfer all registered stock sold. Such transfers must be made on official forms supplied by the Association and be lodged with the Secretary within 60 days from date of sale. Upon the sale of any such registered animal either by public auction or private treaty, the Vendor shall forward to the Secretary the transfer certificates of all registered Dairy Shorthorns sold, with the exception of those sold for slaughter, together with the fee to be set by council for each transfer.
- (a) All animals entered in the Herd Book of the Association or in respect of which application has been made for registration and which are about to be sold for or on behalf of a member at any dispersal or reducing sale must be officially inspected prior to sale by an inspector or inspectors appointed by the Council. A member about to conduct such a sale shall notify the Secretary of the Association at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of such proposed sale.
- Upon any such inspection the inspector or inspectors may reject any animal as not being in his or their opinion fairly representative of its breed and such decision shall be final.
- The inspectors shall issue a certificate of inspection showing the total number of animals submitted for inspection and the number passed as eligible for transfer and record the registered tattoo marks found on each animal; the inspection certificates shall be prepared in duplicate; the original will be forwarded to the Secretary of the Association and the duplicate will be delivered to the members proposing to conduct the sale for perusal by prospective buyers.
- A member having animals inspected under this rule shall bear the cost of such inspections.
- Members shall yard their animals for inspection when given notice to do so by the Secretary or the duly appointed inspector or inspectors.
- If any animals is sold other than in accordance with the requirements of this clause, the name of such animal and the progeny thereof may on the resolution of the Council be expunged from the Association’s Herd Book.
- The purchaser of a stud shall have no right to the previous owner’s stud prefix except with the written sanction of the previous owner and with the approval of the Council.
- It shall be the duty of all members to keep proper records of their stud-breeding activities, such records to be open for inspection at any time by any person appointed by the Council.
- (a) The registration of a calf which is the result of an embryo transfer may be subject to parentage verification in respect of both the donor dam and service sire. Where the blood type of the service sire or donor dam is not available a Statutory declaration will be required, stating the service sire is actually the bull named as such on the Application for Registration Form.
(b) A recipient cow may receive only one embryo.
(c) An Embryo transfer calf, when registered, shall carry the suffix (E.T.) as a part of its name, wherever it may appear.
(d) Responsibility for registration rests with the recorded owner of the embryo at the birth date of the calf.
(e) prescribed Application for Registration Form at the prescribed fee, accompanied by the necessary documentation.
(f) A certificate of Transfer must be completed and signed by the veterinarian performing the transfer and forwarded with the Application for Registration.
(g) The recorded owner of the donor cow at the date of recovery shall be deemed to be the original owner of an embryo.
(h) In the event of a change in the ownership of an embryo, a Certificate of Embryo Recovery and Notification of Transfer of Ownership shall be completed in triplicate by the breeder or recorded owner of each individual embryo, and distributed as follows:-
(i) The original to be presented to the new owner, to accompany the Application for Registration.
(ii) The duplicate to be forwarded by the recorded owner (vendor) to the Association within one month of the date of ownership change or sale, together with the transfer fee prescribed from time to time by Council.
(iii) The triplicate to be retained by the previous owner or vendor as evidence of the provision of accurate particulars of breeding of that embryo.
(iv) An Embryo Transfer calf shall be registered with the prefix of the recorded owner of the embryo at the time of its birth.
- These rules shall not be altered or added to unless notice of the proposed alteration or addition shall have been given to the Secretary and by him to each member of the Association in writing at least fourteen days prior to the Annual or Special general Meeting at which the motion is to be considered, and the motion is carried by not less than two-thirds of the members present at that meeting.
- For cattle born before 3/6/2002, the pedigrees be followed back and the animals be put into their classes, except for animals that are in Class B, which will be eligible to go into Class A.